The only thing a trial will show is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, insurance fraud, and federal student loan fraud.
Please enumerate for us, Ms. Radin, some of the documents that Einstein is deliberately concealing from Judge Simpson in order to criminally obstruct justice and your legitimate purpose in seeking those documents:
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE: This is a list of some of the documents that Einstein deliberately omitted from the documents Einstein provided to Judge Simpson in response to Jess Berkowitz’s subpoena [ first public defender that I fired ], and a brief description of why they are being deliberately concealed by Einstein in order to obstruct justice, and inflict harm:
------William P. Remnie, MD, “very favorable” evaluation of my hospital performance working with patients that he referred to in his August 1997 letter to me. This discredits ALL complaining witnesses against me and demonstrates that I am fit to practice medicine [ added ].
---Where are the ATTENDANCE RECORDS for the classes they said Einstein provided ? Where are the exams, quizzes, tests ? [ added ].
---The Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance pre-approval form from May 1996 which shows contact between Cornell and Einstein in the 1996 hospitalization, officials from my medical school were not looking for me when they illegally broke into my home in May 1996, to change the locks, they knew where I was as demonstrated by this document, behind my back, school officials engineered the 1996 hospitalization in a criminal scheme designed to drop-kick me into a mental hospital, falsely label me as mentally-ill in order to discredit me as a potential witness against my medical school, Einstein. A time-line of events with this document shows that there was no reason to break into my home during May 1996, school officials knew where I was, they lied to the police and the police were used to frighten Julie Schulman, MD, and Brian Hamilton into lying to Cornell. I recognize one of the police officers involved. Brian Hamilton was not “the person to contact in case of emergency” , he lied to the emergency room in May 1996, my mother was “the person to contact in case of emergency” the document that I signed that stated my mother is “the person to contact in case of emergency” is being deliberately concealed. I discovered the insurance pre-approval form sometime during 2007 to 2008, this is newly discovered evidence that gives me the ability to amend my civil complaint, AFTER all appeals to the Second Circuit. Criminally, I can show that Einstein committed insurance fraud with Julie Schulman, MD, and Brian Hamilton.
---All the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance documents/bills pursuant to the May 1996 hospitalization to demonstrate insurance fraud. Simple human decency dictates that I have a legitimate purpose in making sure that dishonest doctors and lawyers stop running around behind my back defaming me as psychotic and schizophrenic and when I am not. All the insurance documents to show that there was no medical leave of absence, my health insurance was cancelled, unlike other students who were on leaves and did not have Einstein cancel their health insurance, like, for example, Robin Pattin and Marlen Abramova.
---I already reported insurance fraud to officials at Blue Cross/Blue Shield and they are waiting for me to provide them with more information, which I cannot do, because I am defending myself against false criminal charges. Einstein is pushing this criminal trial in order to drop-kick me into a prison because they are aware that between Blue Cross/Blue Shield, a private company, investigating insurance fraud and claims that I can make myself in court under the False Claims Act for federal student loan fraud, I do not have to depend on corrupt law enforcement and I can drive forward my own litigation, with volunteer attorneys from tax-payer association groups that are outraged over federal student loan fraud.
---All the letters that James Daw wrote to Einstein especially the one he wrote protesting my constructive eviction, the one that protested the fact that the locks were changed at my apartment, I was never given a key [ there is no document that shows that I signed for receipt of a replacement key ] and that I retained him in summer 1996 in order to gain access to my belongings.
---All the letters I wrote.
---All the letters James Daw and I wrote from December 1997 to January 30, 1998 that demonstrate that Einstein negotiated in bad faith, and all the financial reports that show the decision to expel me was made by the end of December 1997. All negotiations that Daw and I had with the school throughout January 1998 were in bad faith and demonstrate the element of scienter, evil mind, necessary to demonstrate fraud.
---The January 30, 1998 expulsion letter, which reveals the existence of other letters/documents that Einstein, is deliberately concealing. I already provided the January 30, 1998 expulsion letter to Judge Simpson, so she is aware that the January 30, 1998 expulsion letter reveals the existence of other letters/documents that are being deliberately concealed.; namely, right now, Judge Simpson knows she has OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.
---All my letters of recommendation to medical school. I did not waive my rights pursuant to criminal charges to these letters. I only waived my rights to these letters for for a limited purpose pursuant to an application to medical school. I have a legitimate purpose obtaining these letters to stop defaming statements like I was delusional for the past 20 years or that I never worked at US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s office or that I do not have letters from Walter Reed Army Research Institute stating, for example, that I served “beyond the call of duty”, statements that are wholly at odds with a characterization of me as a deranged terrorist.
---The minutes from the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting demonstrate that James Daw was NOT in the meeting room with me, that there was no hearing, and that there was a representative from the American Medical Students Association who I may be able to locate as a witness, that Michael J. Reichgott, read into these minutes a written statement where in he defamed me as having “ a thought disorder” , a euphemism for schizophrenia. Michael Reichgott is an internal medicine doctor who has a retaliatory motive in defaming me., because he is directly responsible for federal student loan fraud. I have a legitimate purpose in making sure that Michael Reichgott stops defaming me as mentally-ill when I am not in order to cover-up for his crimes. The October 1997 minutes also demonstrate that Todd Olson lied when he claimed that he was “absolutely certain” that my research project was over in Fall 1995 when he defamed me to William Rennie in an effort to put a stop to my research project. These minutes show that Todd Olson admitted guilt, and they show that the Promotions Committee had ample evidence in its hands to know with absolute certainty that Todd Olson lied, my research project was NOT over, as demonstrated by the 2 research proposals that I submitted. These 2 research proposals were deliberately omitted from the documents Einstein provided pursuant to the subpoena.
---There was no medical leave of absence. My health insurance was cancelled in summer 1995, and unlike Marlen Abramova and Robin Pattin, I was treated in a discriminatory manner with respect to preserving my health insurance. They were on leave from the College and did not lose their health insurance, unlike me, an accommodation was made for them. These was no leave. Einstein inflicted the crisis of homelessness on me by illegally locking me out of my home, never giving me a key, and illegally demanding rent payments from me, not letting me have access to my belongings, which was why Mr. Daw was retained. There was no hearing in summer 1996 BEFORE my medical school took illegal, adverse action against me. There was no hearing in October 1997. Einstein can provide no evidence that there was a hearing in summer 1996 or in October 1997, to wit, Einstein cannot produce a written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure that was IN EFFECT AT THAT TIME, and Einstein cannot produce a CERTIFIED-VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT of the 2 hearings it said I got. Without a written hearing procedure and a certified-verbatim transcript, and Article 78 review cannot be done, Judge Patterson dismissed my case in error of fact and law.
---All my financial aid information and reports including all my promissory notes---I can get these from the US Department of Justice, because the Department of Justice does the legal work for the US Department of Education, and I should be given the opportunity to obtain these documents and correct my records pursuant to federal student loan fraud. I have a legitimate purpose is seeking my records to stop fraud against me, and taxpayers.
--Einstein cannot produce any evidence to show that it supported student research “100%”. It did not support mine, contrary to promises that it supported student research “100% “.
--All communications with outside agencies and institutions including Jersey City Medical Center. My records at Jersey City Medical Center show that my medical school lied to Jersey City Medical Center.
---My CIA file [ Central Intelligence Agency ]. Columbia University and the press have ample evidence to show that I communicated with the president of another country, Bosnia, President Zeljko Komisic, and that he had a letter of mine delivered to President George W. Bush.. This historical event is on my blog and linked to Columbia University’s web-site. Taking down my blog destroys presidential history illegally.
---The purpose of this action against me is to take down my blog, destroy evidence and re-write history so that my medical school and the larger, racist Zionist community that supports it can get away with crimes, and transgressions. For the past 40 years, for example, we have all been paying taxes which go to promote private religious education for one religious group, the Othodox-Jews, but, no one else.
---For goodness sake, Senator Grassley, weigh-in already. I reached out to you because I was told you were a big, important, powerful Senator who held presidents’ feet to the fire, and here you are investigating Columbia University and 6 Christian ministries, but, not Yeshiva University----why ? We want open, public hearings----NOW. We want cameras in court rooms, that protects us !
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