---By August 2008, I vindicated myself, and showed that I was not mentally-ill, my medical school had been lying about me for years.
---Einstein freaked out. The driving force for the false imprisonment in September 2008 was Einstein's need to create a false medical record.
---They almost murdered me in Jersey City, and now, they are scared that they will be held accountable for their crimes, hence the driving force to railroad me into prison in New York. ADA Spiro already threatened me, once we get you into a situation that you cannot control, like jail, then, a reason will be made-up to drop-kick you into a locked psychiatric ward for life, because a bunch of people including racist Zionists cannot stand the truth.
---Dr. Jelnov tried to diagnose me as delusion, in part, because I believed that there were direct connections between my landlord-tenant case in Jersey City, and my federal law suit(s) in New York. THERE ARE. John Scarfone, admitted in the Manhattan criminal case with Judge Simpson, happening NOW, that he had contact with Asaf Rosenheim, a witness put on by Nino Falcone and my landlords in my landlord-tenant case.
---Also, I can demonstrate that the Pagnozzis, my landlords, and their dishonest attorney, Nino Falcone, and all principal actors in my landlord tenant case knew about federal student loan fraud against me by my medical school since February 2007, and I can demonstrate that the Hudson County Prosecutor's office has been covering-up federal student loan fraud since 2005.
---Jersey City Medical Center [ JCMC ] deliberately omitted the 7/29/2008, mental status exam that my doctors from New York provided, showing that I had no mood or thought disorders, so that JCMC could create a false record, and commit FRAUD. I can demonstrate example after example of false statements of material fact, and deliberate omissions that JCMC used to create a false record.
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