Tuesday, April 13, 2010


My falsified records at Einstein are being used to create even more falsified records at other agencies and institutions.

I have a LEGITIMATE purpose in seeking to obtain and correct ALL my records, especially, as Jersey City Medical Center stated falsely that I was a terrorist with a bomb running around Washington DC threatening to blow-up schools.

There are no schools that I want to blow-up. I am not against what Yeshiva University is doing, lots of public tax dollars go to promote private religious education. That is GREAT. How much money do the rest of us get? None. That’s the point. When the rest of us try to get the same equitable access, the same fair shake, we get a phony-baloney separation of church & state argument thrown in our faces a la Mikey Weinstein, Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

I have a LEGITIMATE purpose in seeking my letters of recommendation on Walter Reed Army Research Institute letterhead and US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, letters that state I “performed beyond the call of duty” and that directly contradict any characterization of me as a terrorist or unpatriotic, and that show I was not delusional for 20 years; Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical Center threatened that if I did not shut-up, “ we will ” deliberately falsify even more medical records to say that you have been delusional for the past 20 years.

I have a LEGITIMATE purpose in seeking the very favorable Rennie hospital performance evaluation that shows I was NOT delusional for the past 20 years, and that I did good work with patients.

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