Monday, April 26, 2010


----Mr. Daw,

It is ridiculous that we have to communicate this way [ see also my videos on YouTube, especially the Part 1, for the Columbia students, re: Janice Bennett, Dan Riesel, John Scarfone are on your campus and they are dangerous which I will post ASAP, see also parts 2 and 3, for Columbia students ] , nevertheless, Mr. Redenburg told me that you read this I hope you read this post....Mr. Redenburg told me that you intend to testify that you were in the meeting room with me in October 1997. That is NOT true. You were required to wait out in a hall. A representative from the American Medical Students Association came in the meeting room with me, not you. We were not permitted to fully participate, and we were NOT allowed to be in the room to hear witnesses against me. I was brought in for a limited time, treated as a witness against myself, and then, required to leave the room. I CAN CALL WITNESSES, NAMELY OTHER STUDENTS, WHO CAN TESTIFY THAT THIS IS A PATTERN AND PRACTICE AT EINSTEIN AND THEY DID NOT GET A HEARING EITHER [ I can even cite to a memo that Einstein released in another student's case to show how the school twisted the truth......"she left the room" students just get up and flounce out of the meeting room, we were not permitted to stay........] Also, I CAN SHOW THAT EINSTEIN CANNOT PRODUCE ( 1 ) a written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure that was used in my case, and ( 2 ) that there is no certified-verbatim transcript of a hearing, as required for an Article 78 review; Also, I can show that I should have gotten 2 hearings before adverse action was taken against me, one in summer 1996, before I was suspended, and illegally locked out of my home, and one before my illegal expulsion in January 30, 1998. I can also show that Yeshiva University's law school does have a written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure, but that Yeshiva cannot produce a directly analogous one for medical students, as in my case, for a medical student. The meeting in October 1997 was NOT a hearing for lots of reasons, including the FACT that all the individuals on my Promotions Committee are responsible for federal student loan fraud.

The people who are helping Yeshiva University steal money from me have a conflict of interest, and a retaliatory motive.

All the individuals who sat on my Promotions Committee including dishonest psychiatrist, James David and dishonest clinical psychologist, Janice Bennett had an initial duty and they have a continuing duty to accurately report the number of classes that Yeshiva University ultimately provided to me pursuant to federal student loan fraud. What you do think they are going to say, Lidya Radin is a lovely person, we lied to steal money from her and tax-payers in student aid programs like TAP and PELL and the Stafford loan program, and, yes, we knew what we were doing, we have been doing it for years, because we pulled the same criminal scheme on Mike Tyberg.

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