Wednesday, October 21, 2009


--Insurgents [ like Dan Riesel, and the Yeshiva-Victims fraud-group, Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar, et al ] seek to create a legitimacy gap, by ( i ) having a law enforcement system that does not work, and ( ii ) a judicial system that does not enforce human rights.
--Counter-insurgents seek to close these gaps.
--Col. Reilly & I executed the principals of COIN [ counter-insurgency ] in the United States to protect 97% of the population, even if racist Zionists don't like it: public tax dollars promote their religion but no other religion.
---When the Inspector Generals attacked Maj. Gen. Robert Caslen and the other generals for "blending in" their religion to their work, but, at the same time, do not attack Yeshiva University for "blending in" religion into their work, then, the Inspector Generals are promoting a legitimacy gap, too; they owe the generals a public apology.
---Yeshiva University went farther than just harmlessly blending in religion into their work. Yeshiva University stole from me and Mike, and circulated lies about me that almost had me killed in Jersey City.
---These psychopaths are stalking me through life and have made it impossible for me to get medical care in the United States.
--When a psychiatrist diagnoses a private person without that person's consent, that doctor has committed medical malpractice [ insert New York law here ].
--When a psychiatrist diagnoses a semi-public person or a public person based on their public statements that doctor has also committed medical malpractice [ here's how ].
---Marlen Abramova holds the delusional belief that if I discredit the complaining witnesses against me in Manhattan criminal court [ Riesel, Scarfone, David, Reichgott, Olson ], then, she can say " ME TOO " and get back into medical school. We discussed this, with her lawyers.
---Marlen Abramova is a profoundly disturbed individual.
---Todd Olson and Jimmy David [ David talked to me VOLUNTARILY about this ]already used the Yeshiva Victims fraud to discredit Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar. All the documents have already been entered into a court case as part of the public record and on this blog.
---The Russians who goaded Marlen Abramova into plagiarizing from me did not work for her, they worked for Yeshiva to undermine her, in a propaganda technique I explained on this blog.
--The criminal charges against me in Manhattan are being pushed by Yeshiva University's dishonest lawyers in a propaganda technique that I explained on this blog, and, I'll bet by Marlen Abramova and the Russians, and the lawyers who wanted to set-up a litigation machine to "milk" the rich ladies, Rita Kaplan and Lily Safra.
--For example, Jimmy David, a complaining witness, talked to me VOLUNTARILY about the direct causal links from my medical school to the attack on me in Jersey City. It is impossible for him to claim that he was ANNOYED by phone calls he accepted VOLUNTARILY [ " the lawyers told me not to talk to you, Lidya, but, I'm not listening to them" ].
---Michael J. Reichgott, MD,another complaining witness, in another example, already admitted he told the lies Yeshiva's lawyers put in his mouth about me, therefore, he was not responsible for the lies he told.
--In sum, the criminal charges against me have no merit. They are being pushed to harass me and protect criminals, sadists, and psychopaths [ Dr. Jelnov threatened me: "we'll lie about you even more, we'll say you were delusional for the past 20 years" Who is we? ]. My blog protects me and others from this monster and is not coming down.

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