Friday, October 23, 2009



[Left-click, once, on any document to enlarge it for easy viewing, or print; to return to reading this blog, simply click, once, on your Internet Browser's "BACK" button ].

--This screening document is from 9/25/2008. The first page of this document contains a direct link from Jersey City Medical Center to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine [ "OPD: Student Services thru Albert Einstein College of Medicine". From Dr. James ( Jimmy ) David, who spoke to me VOLUNTARILY, Lidya, we don't have an out-patient department, OPD, we give students insurance and they go out and purchase whatever services they want". In short: they lied. There are several other direct links from Jersey City to Einstein that are easy to demonstrate. In short: Dr. Jelnov LIED when he said that I was delusional because I believed that there was a connection from my landlord-tenant case to my federal case(s). There is, including my falsified promissory note which everyone had a copy of ]

--From the 9/25/2008 screening document, page 4, which I will publish ASAP, so you can verify for yourselves [ in real time, the Christian soldiers need something first ]: " She would not answer questions" ; " ...did not answer questions about her sleep & appetite " by Marceia Kepicova.

--Bryna Kieser, Director of Medical Records, at Jersey City Medical Center, and other members of her staff, were laughing: "How do you interview a person who "...would not answer questions " ?



--They send mental-health workers to your house. You don't talk to them, but, that does not matter. They go back to the hospital, create a false record, and then, use that false record as a basis to commit even more crimes; FACTS ARE IRRELEVANT, they are running a scam. Dan Riesel is a "former" chief prosecutor for the federal government---who do you think does his investigative work---the FBI? The FBI is in on it [ Ronald Ray ]. So is the CIA [ "she sparked an international incident", Columbia University's video-tape is on this blog, I communicated with the president of another country, in front of lots of witnesses, of course, there is a CIA file on me, and the psychological profile has been falsified, from Dr. Jelnov, who advertises his services in the Russian community: " stop going to presidents of other countries or we will LIE about you even more" ] I can't wait to see my false records, from every source including the Secret Service. What is the NAME of the dishonest psychiatrist that pulled words and phrases, out-of-context, from my appeal to my Pope, to deliberately fabricate an opinion to cause the Secret Service to come to my home and try to falsely characterize me as an assassin, so I could be shot at a public event no questions asked [ they were laying a foundation to justify my murder ] if I approached an elected official? What is the name of that psychopath ? I talked to the Secret Service. I was shocked. I subpoenaed these records in Manhattan criminal court. Judge Simpson refuses to enforce legitimate requests for information so that I can defend myself, because these psychopaths do not want anyone to know. Refusing to give a defendant information so that she can defend herself is a VERY SERIOUS CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION.

Dan Riesel wants me to make Freedom of Information Act requests in lieu of a subpoena, so: ( i ) the evidence is not entered into a court record, and ( 2 ) so he can run around behind my back spreading lies that I forged documents. I already had this experience. Dan Riesel is a liar: show me, Mr. Riesel, the written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure and the certified, verbatim transcripts of my TWO hearings at Einstein. You cannot.


--I won against my landlords, on 9/25/2008, on or about 5 PM, in Superior Court, located on Newark Avenue.

--About an hour later, on or about 6 PM, there was a fax sent from municipal court, located on Summit Avenue, a different geographic location, to Jersey City Medical Center, that set the mental health workers on me.

--Who made the phone call from Superior Court on Newark Avenue to municipal court on Summit Avenue that set that fax in motion? Who called Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski? Judge Fast?

--On 9/24/2008, I stood in front of Judge Fast and presented the evidence that showed my landlords were accepting my rent payments, thereby re-newing my tenancy---in short, there was NO EVICTION. Judge Fast lied to me, with some bogus excuse----and then, laughed and taunted me with another bogus argument.

---On 9/25/2008, I went back to Judge Fast, and quoted directly from his book, citing POST-JUDGMENT RELIEF. He was compelled to admit that when a landlord cashes a tenant's check, BEFORE the tenant has moved out, then, the landlord has accepted the tenant and there is NO EVICTION. I had 5 to 6 cashed checks to show Judge Fast, one-at-a-time. He can re-instate a judgment, once, maybe, twice, but, 5 to 6 times, in a row, means he is establishing a very dangerous precedent.

--Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski is quarter-backing this ? !

--Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski did not return phone calls from, on or about, Wednesday, 9/24/2008 to Tuesday, 9/30/2008. I told her, call me anytime, outside of normal business hours, is OK, nights and weekends are OK.

--She couldn't talk to me for 5 minutes: ( i ) the Pentagon investigator told me to throw everything up on the Internet, I DID, ( ii ) for days leading up to Wednesday, 9/24/2008, I was not in the community to cause agitation, I was out-of-town, on a business trip, which is NONE of her business, ( iii ) what increasing agitation in court ? ! I sat in court all day, quietly, in the back, lots of witnesses, then, as the last person that day, I WON, against my landlords.

---I interviewed the people who worked in Jersey City Medical Center. You would not believe what they said. We had the police drag in a guy who was talking on his cell phone and it looked like he was talking to himself. We had the police drag in a guy who went running and took off his shirt, in cold weather, and the police decided that was odd. Who is paying for these hospital visits? THE STATE ? Check the ACCOUNT NUMBERS. The account numbers on my records are different. This hospital would have billed Medicaid $15,000 in fraud, if I did not go down there and scream my head-off----NO, you will not defraud the tax-payers to do YESHIVA UNIVERSITY'S DIRTY WORK.

---By experience and training I am an expert witness.

---In addition, I double-checked with another expert witness.

---You do not incarcerate individuals in a locked psychiatric ward [ used as a de facto prison ] unless they are IMMEDIATELY ( i ) damaging property, ( ii ) about to commit suicide and are executing or formulating a plan, or ( iii ) about to murder someone(s).

---None of this applied to me.

---This is Marlen Abramova, and Jeevan Padiyar, their dishonest lawyers, and their connections, especially, in the Russian-Bukharin-Jewish community.

---They are too ill-informed to know anything and when caught they make things up. You can watch their story change with time. I already gave a time-line to the prosecutor.

---What do you think greedy husbands did before divorce was allowed in America? They paid dishonest lawyers and doctors to lie about their wives and lock them up in psychiatric wards, so they could steal all their money and get the sympathy of the community to justify having mistresses.

---The patients' rights movement was started by a normal, decent woman who spent 20 years of her life in a locked psychiatric ward when there was nothing wrong with her. THIS IS A FEMINIST ISSUE---PLEASE GET MRS. CLINTON INVOLVED.

---This is NOT THE SOVIET UNION. You lie, repeatedly, to put someone in locked psychiatric ward, you go to jail for the CRIME of false imprisonment.

---IN AMERICA, we have the right to be left alone.

---From Vice-President Jim Martin, on 15-October-2009, at a public meeting: "we stand ready to help you, Lidya". Into what? An early grave ? Jim Martin should start firing people, and strip them of their licenses to practice before these psychopaths murder someone, like they almost did to me.

---From Vice-President Jim Martin: " This is exciting for you". NO. IT IS NOT. Being the target of attempted murder and having your life ruined by sadists, psychopaths, and criminals is not exciting.

---You know where I heard this stupidity before? From Marlen Abramova, her sick mother, and her mother's sick psychiatrist to try and justify crimes towards innocent victims.

---Marlen Abramova was my house-guest for 4 days and 3 nights. Does Mrs. Abramova always let her daughter spend days and nights with a woman who is continually out-of-contact with reality? NO. She is a liar.

---Does Mrs. Abramova always let her daughter spend days and nights with a woman who they claim is going to Hamas to get a bomb to blow up her school? No. Mrs. Abramova is a liar.

----In 2006, Mike Tyberg, Marlen Abramova, me, and my family drove to Albany and back in the same car to meet with Cheryl Fisher, dishonest attorney, at the state guarantee agency....does Mrs. Abramova always let her daughter travel with a woman who is delusional? No. Mrs. Abramova is a liar. [ 1983 claim---42 USC 1983---ask Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan--- it should take Cheryl Fisher about 3 seconds to figure out that I never took Parasitology and Infectious Diseases. It should take Cheryl Fisher about 3 seconds to figure out Mike Tyberg was charged for classes he never took, either ].

----For this meeting, I invited Alan Rascoff, and Jeevan Padiyar [ and, we went to other meetings with Congressman Joseph Crowley and at the state comptroller's office ]. Do they attend meetings with a woman who has been delusional for the past 20 years? NO. These people are liars.


---On this blog, I am putting a stop to the dishonest psychiatrists, NOW.

---If you are a private person and a psychiatrist(s) offers an opinion about you without your explicit knowledge and consent, here is the New York statute that states that doctor(s) has committed MEDICAL MALPRACTICE [ insert New York statute here ].

---If you are a semi-public person or a public person and a psychiatrist(s) offers an opinion about you based on your public statements [ again, without your explicit knowledge and consent ], here is how that doctor(s) has committed MEDICAL MALPRACTICE [ insert details, very brief example here ].

---The Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University holds itself out to the general public as having expertise in psychiatry.

---Their dishonest lawyers are petitioning Judge Shawndya L. Simpson, in Manhattan criminal court, Part A, docket no: 2009-NY-048859-to have this blogsite taken down because they don't want the general public to know how to defend themselves. It is about their power and control issues. They want to be able to run around behind your back and make-up any LIE they want, to discredit anyone they want, at any time. You would not believe what these psychopaths are up to.

---These people are DANGEROUS. SHUT IT DOWN. NOW.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Usually tenant background checks usually only go one way. It's important to check up on the landlord as well.