Tuesday, October 20, 2009


---Subpoena my insurance documents, Jess Berkowitz, subpoena my insurance

documents that show the hospital in 1996 got pre-approval from my medical

school before they admitted me, and that the whole hospitalization was a set-up,

engineered IN ADVANCE by my medical school to drop-kick me into a

psychiatric hospital to discredit me.

Subpoena my insurance documents, Mr. Berkowitz,

that show the hospitalization was engineered behind my back by Julie Schulman

Brian Hamilton and my medical school.

Subpoena my insurance documents from my medical school, Mr. Berkowitz, that

show Michael J. Reichgott, M.D, "former" dean for students is a LIAR. He did

not make MANY phone calls because he was worried about me, he did not break

into my home because he was worried about me, he knew where I was. The whole

hospitalization in 1996 was a SET-UP.

As a medical student I inhaled a patent's blood and could not get medical

care without accepting an invasion of my privacy. They captialized on

a situation in which I was in a weakened physcial condition to take ruthless

advantage of me. They saw the blood.

I was washing my blood-filled pants out in a sink, by hand. My medical school

was too busy falsifying records and telling lies about me to make sure that I got

medical care after inhaling a patient's blood.

Then, they stalked me throughout life, telling vicious lies behind my back.

These people were out to get me from day one. If something didn't happen,

then, they would just make something up like they did with Dr. Hedi Weissman

and Dr. John Cacace, and Diane Persky, and Dr. Ajay P. Garg.

Call these victims.

Ask them about the lies Yeshiva University told about them.

These people are monsters. I would have nothing to do with them. I would not

let these psychopaths anywhere near me. I am lucky to be alive today.

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