( 1 ) Matt Feil is an ass.
We can't understand why Ms. Radin is so upset, all this happened 14 years ago.
What a pack of liars.
Deliberately, overtly one-sided.
They know exactly what we are talking about---pay for classes you never took or be declared in default on a student loan; that black mark will be on your credit reports FOR LIFE [ not 7 years, the bankruptcy laws do not apply ] making it difficult or impossible to pass a credit check for an apartment or a job.
Was I taking the same number of classes as "full-time" students, or engaged in the same amount of activies as " full-time " students ? NO.
Was I taking as least half the number of classes as "full-time" students, or doing at least half of what "full-time" students were doing? NO.
Please refer to the two postings immediately after this one for a list of classes that conflict, and the original college bulletin with the courses on a time-line that demonstrates these conflicts, too [ already submitted in the Second Circuit ].
( 4 ) Assistant District Attorney Alex Spiro wants a trial ? !
Absolutely fabulous.
I can't wait to re-count every stupid lie I was told, every excuse, I can't wait to parade every single witness from the state guarantee agency, like Pat Futia, and Mr. Austin, and Cheryl Fisher, supervising attorney, and every witness from Sallie Mae, up to and including the absurd lies I got from their Board of Directors, one big shot is here in New York, [ it is policy to steal from students ! ] and re-count every lie they told, and finally, how Yeshiva admitted to Congress that they committed fraud, and should lose the ability to administer these programs forever, but, that they would replace the federal student loan program(s) with a private loan program-----so, who cares-----members of Congress and I were shocked at their arrogance----
----you guys just ain't getting this----these people are psychopaths----over and over, again, I am demonstrating to you that you have no reason to believe any thing these psychopaths say-----why would the CIA continue to do business at Yeshiva University----they'll say anything for the money.
I can't wait to recount going to Congressman George Miller's public hearing in good-faith, in May 2007, and having his staff spit in my face and tell me I should borrow money to pay these crooks. I can't wait to recount that whole experience, on-the-record-------Congress dragged in Ms. Spellings, bashed the Bush Administration, got a bunch of headlines, and deliberately spit in the faces of legitimate student victims---me & Mike----and ignored the fact that with a few simple questions, they may be able to locate other victims.
( 5 ) Important consumer information for every pre-med: they lie to steal money from you in a federal student loan program, when you refuse to pay for classes you never took, law enforcement and the courts help them steal, and when you call the appropriate school officials to say....enough with the persecution already.....give me my records.....and refund my money.....they dash down to Manhattan criminal court to file false criminal charges.....because they are ANNOYED that you had the temerity to stand up to them.
Then, they try to milk you for legal fees, so you can defend yourself against false criminal charges: milk her for the money, milk her for the money, get her, get her, get her.....a naturally-occuring experiment in the nature of aggression, sound familiar?
Or you can go with the attorney they assign to you as a poor person, whose job it is to deliberately lose your case, like I demonstrated with Lawrence Sindoni, in New Jersey, by deliberately keeping evidence off-the-record and making false statements of material fact [ and when caught, lies to you about it, already confirmed with the prosecutor ]. When caught in their crimes, they'll try to bully you into accepting a lesser charge, because the Manhattan District Attorney is embarrassed: filing a false police report(s) is a crime.
( 6 ) In short, my phone calls had a legitimate purpose.
Assistant District Attorney Alex Spiro is engaged in malicous prosecution, a crime.
( 7 ) And, if you try and get your records through Freedom of Information Act requests, Dan Riesel, a " former " chief prosecutor for the federal government who helped Rabbi Lamm/Yeshiva University lie in federal courts [ the lawyer paid by this so-called religious school to Bear False Witness ] runs around behind your back telling people you forged documents.
( 8 ) Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical Center tried to diagnose me as delusional because I thought there was a connection between my landlord-tenant case and my federal case. FACT: THERE IS !
---In February 2007, I explained to Ralph Pagnozzi how my medical school is lying to steal money in a federal student loan program, and how the damage to my credit reports made it impossible for me to get a another apartment.
---In November 2007, I explained to Lawrence Sindoni's group, in my application for an attorney, Northeast New Jersey Legal Services.
-----In summer 2008, Lawrence Sindoni and I sat down with Ruppert, one of the clerks in landlord-tenant court and discussed in detail: here's how my medical school is lying to steal money in a federal student loan program, here's how the damage to my credit reports makes it impossible for me to get another apartment, here's how they did the same to Mike Tyberg.
---Here's how I explained it to the Hudson County prosecutor's office plus a police report in 2005, plus the details that I gave to investigators at the U.S. Department of Education, and the Department of Health & Human Services, and all the phone calls that, then, Congressman Menendez, now Senator Bob Menendez's office made [ insert contact info ] to the Hudson County prosecutor's office, and here's how the Democratic Party bosses, owned by the Zionist lobby, shut him down to help Yeshiva University lie to steal money.
---On 7/10/2008, I explained again to municipal court Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez. She knew. I could not get a public defender unless I disclosed this financial information. Kevin Purvin, Jonathan Goodman, and their boss knew. I explained it to them. This is how the falsified financial information connects me to Yeshiva University [ there are other connections, too ].
---On 9/12/2008, I sat down with Stacey Dix-Kielbiowski. I showed her the bills Sallie Mae sent me, and the post-marked envelopes, and explained again, all the details, and gave her contact information to cross-check with Mike Tyberg.
---She deliberately OMITTED all this information/evidence from the screening document she created on that day to intentionally keep infomation/evidence off-the-record, so she could help Yeshiva University commit FRAUD, thereby, irrefutably demonstrating CRIMINAL INTENT for the prosecutor; by these deliberate omissions and others she demonstrates that the defense of HEARSAY is not available to her [ insert here, and here are all the false statements of material fact that she drafted into that document that were so obviously dictated to her, to intentionally create a false record ].
( 9 ) Who knows what goes on in the Second Circuit? You know exactly what goes on. They run around behind your back circulating all kinds of lies, you have no idea what the judges are seeing.....well, yes.... you do.....whatever lies Yeshiva wants them to see.....I watched my court documents taken apart and re-assembled to create misleading documents, words and phrases are taken out-of-context to create false and misleading information, the judges are influenced, and when caught, they try to blame their law clerks. I demonstrated this for you.