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[ Thank you Rev. Sharpton, and Attorney Michael Hardy---I know you spoke out for me, and Mayor Healy, too ].
----In May 2005, Judge Patterson fabricated a ruling that I could not identify any student bulletin that would let a " former " student access and correct her records.
---Not true. I did.
---See page 22, authenticated by Col. Kevin C. Reilly, M.D. at Fort Knox, last summer [ thank you ].
---On September 14, 2009, Yeshiva University's dishonest attorneys were forced to admit that " FORMER " students CAN access and correct their records = an admission of guilt.
---All documents are posted on this blogsite, to confirm, see note, below.
---This blogsite IS NOT COMING DOWN, because it is a SHIELD that protects all students.
---I have to hunt down Judge Patterson like the bum he is [ read here: make an appointment ] confront him with this admission of guilt and get him to CORRECT his fabricated ruling [ so it is NEVER cited to hurt another student, because I know how their evil little minds work ].
---And, I have to go to Washington, to make an appointment with U.S. Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg to clean up her court, because someone has to explain why her court is a BIG BLACK BOX where good information goes in and garbage comes out, and what kind of CHANGES will be made so NEVER AGAIN is another innocent person injured by these dishonest judges, NEVER AGAIN.
---This means Dr. La Moncia, at Jersey City Medical Center, on 1-October-2008, did not have to spit in my face: " 36 federal judges can't be wrong ". They are ! It would have taken him 3 seconds to look at page 22, that I carried with me, like a prop.
-----Reilly, you helped Adm. Mullen execute COIN in the United States. Wait till you tell your family, you helped the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, they will be so proud of you; the men in your command will be scared of you [ read here: have healthy respect ].
----Reilly, I am being stalked through life by a psychopath, but, you could cash in my chips, have the political career you wanted, remember, we talked about this.
[ Docket No. 2009-NY-048859, Judge Shawndya L. Simpson, Criminal Court of the City of New York, County of New York: Part-A; The People v. Lidya Radin, by Matthew Feil, of Sive, Paget & Riesel, 460 Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10022.
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