---This has already been entered into evidence, and I can and will cite to it.
---Yael Malka Jacobs NEVER lived in this apartment.
---The lie that was told during the trial was that it was OK to lie because she didn't want to wait in New York, it would have taken 6 months; good, let's tell every Muslim that it is OK to LIE to American Homeland Security too, and intentionally falsify records too, because, the last time I checked, we only accepted immigrants who demonstrated GOOD-CHARACTER, not people who LIED because they couldn't wait 6 months. My mother waited 2 years. Others have been waiting for years, but, the Israeli, who LIES, should be held to a different standard, you'all sensing a theme here [ not incidentally, "do it today, do it today" that is Marlen Abramova, not me, she and her profoundly disturbed family and community members try to confuse her identity with mine, mostly, so that she can plagiarize from me, because she/they know nothing ].
---He establishes a beach-head. Then, he brings in his so-called friends and relatives from Israel.
---They come in at a point across the Border where they don't need a passport [ how do I know? I field-tested it ].
---He puts their names on his bills, intentionally falsifies records [ a la Dan Riesel, dishonest attorney paid by Yeshiva University to LIE in court ], to deceive Homeland Security, they did not live at this address.
---The attorney, Milton L. Meyers, is in on it.
---Asaf Rosenheim stalked me at the Gay Men's event I went to, I went to help Jeevan Padiyar, and I completely forgot about the event, until Falcone questioned me at trial, and tried to say I committed perjury; I did not commit perjury, the event completely slipped my mind, until Falcone reminded me, I didn't think too much about it at the time, other than it was quite a coincidence [ a gay man at a gay event ], but, now, in hindsight..... Falcone never would have known [ "and you never saw him again " ....leading the witness....] unless......Asaf told him, and/or I talked about it on the phone........Falcone's draft of Magda's certification is written from the point of view of someone who is worried about immigration, not me, Asaf.....it is written from the point of view....what do you know about her, what are her comings and goings, who does she talk to, where does the money come from.....someone who is pumping Asaf for information......Asaf searched through my belongings too; and had the temerity to comment on it.
" I want to know what she is reading " ..........No. I don't think so, I think I am done with being stalked by these psychopaths.