---Asaf Rosenheim sued my landlords for $1,000, for the security deposit on 2-27-2004.
---I already PAID Asaf $500 for the security deposit, see check dated 2003.
---The Chrono-card, shows the judgment made against Asaf, he only got $500, plus interest, and he had to return the air conditioner he stole.
---I didn't need this air conditioner [ the lie that was told in another bogus attempt to discredit me ]. I have my own. In fact, I never used this air conditioner and it was a burden to me to store it in my apartment.
---Ralph Pagnozzi asked me to come to court to testify against Asaf, and bring my canceled check. I did.
---Ralph Pagnozzi was NOT in the back of the court room that day.
---He did nothing to protect me or his wife or his son, a child at that time, from Asaf Rosenheim, ex-Israeli military, who, during one of the last times I had to interact with him, was so out-of-control, he tried to rip a medicine cabinet out of a wall, and is so mal-adjusted he is seeing a psychiatrist, who prescribed medication. In short, Asaf Rosenheim is the psychiatric OUT-patient, not me [ more of another propaganda technique, trying to confuse identities ].
---This is one of the propaganda techniques: confuse the details of different cases. Dr. Michael S. Stewart, MD, dishonest psychiatrist from Jersey City Medical Center, sat in the BACK of the court room during my landlord-tenant trial. Ralph Pagnozzi was NOT in the back of the court during this case [ you get how the propaganda technique works ].
---Dr. Stewart LIED about me because he was the so-called expert witness paid for by my landlords.
---Magda Pagnozzi, and I went alone, to court, on 2-27-2004, with her son, who was a child, at that time. While Magda stood up against Asaf, the Israeli, [ Asaf self-identifies as an Israeli, not as an American, and I can post that information too, he claims his native language is HEBREW, see his court forms posted here, what native-born American claims Hebrew as his primary language ? ! ] who was lying to steal money from her, I took her child across the street to get him something to eat at McDonalds so he would not have to witness all of that.
---I can and will back up the Chrono-card with the certified auto-tape from that day so EVERY ONE can listen to Magda Pagnozzi tell the judge that I am her tenant.
---All the bogus arguments that I was not her tenant or that I forged a lease go away.
----Show me the evidence that I forged leases and I'll show you my stalkers.
---Dr. Jelnov is discredited. I was NOT delusional or mentally-ill for years at the same time that I was a creditable witness for my landlords.
---This is why Judge Fast made-up some stupid excuse to keep this audio-tape off-the-record during my landlord tenant trial. My landlords were making up some big fantasy about how I was not their tenant [ in part, so Asaf could try to sue me for his moving expenses and other expenses, in a big bogus argument, in fact, Ralph asked him to leave ].
---This evidence has ALREADY been entered as evidence into court, and I can cite to it, as ADA Spiro knows.
---Dr. Jelnov is discredited. He tried to diagnose me as delusional because he said I believed that there was a connection between my landlord-tenant case in Jersey and my case against Yeshiva in New York. There is. In retaliation, Asaf Rosenheim called John Scarfone, Assistant General Counsel at Yeshiva University, to lie about me. John Scarfone, in turn, lied about me to ADA Spiro.
---Ralph and Magda Pagnozzi harassed their tenants, out of their building, not me, by, in part, trying to cheat them out of the interest on their security deposits [ this is paid each year, or notice is given to the tenant every year, not just when the tenant moves out, Judge Nino Falcone lied about this too ].
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