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---Impossible that I was at Scarfone's house on 9/23/2008, because I was at the Pentagon [ ADA Spiro knows, cross-reference to Reichgott affidavit, sworn on 26-May-2009, see exhibit B, and blog post, entitled "WONDER WHAT THE PENTAGON WILL SAY" , posted on Sunday,
December 7, 2008, Time-line for Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski.
---Either Scarfone is LYING, or Marlen Abramova did this and is trying to confuse my identity with hers.
---Discredits Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical Center.
---He tried to diagnosis me as "delusional" by saying there was no connection between my landlord-tenant case [ in Jersey ] and Yeshiva University.
----This shows THERE IS !
[ there are other direct links too, including my falsified promissory note that Judge Rodriguez and the Public Defender's office had since July 10, 2008 ].
---Also, it shows that I was being denied access to evidence to defend myself, and denied benefit of adequate counsel to defend myself against false criminal charges.
---I couldn't even get this evidence until AFTER the last court date, [ to stop the judge from ruling against me re: I need documents from Einstein to defend myself ] and I had to call the police to force Jess Berkowitz to give these documents to me.
----Also, this shows that this instant action is RETALIATORY. Dan Riesel wanted to set-up a litigation machine to "milk" Rita Kaplan and Lily Safra, and I put at stop to that a.k.a. the Yeshiva Victims fraud.
---In retaliation, Dan Riesel et al, made false criminal charges against me in New York and ADA Spiro is their puppet.
---Note: The defense of entrapment is NOT available to you, because, at any point, even NOW, you could stop, yet, refuse. The defense of entrapment is only available for defendants, the targets, who are put in a position, intentionally, wherein they had no other choice than to commit a crime.
----Note 2: Not true. I showed Marlen Abramova and Jeevan Padiyar how the law library worked, I showed them all the books I used, how to quote statutes, how to find information that would be tailored uniquely to their cases, and how other information could be shared to make their cases stronger, I told them the mistakes I made and how they could avoid making the same. How to broker a deal that would be fair to their lawyers and themselves. I gave them everything they needed to win. Their response ? Threatened me, told me not to share information with Bob Jones. Made good on their threats. Stabbed in the back.
---I can't wait to call the Israeli Counsel myself and describe how Asaf Rosenheim, ex-Israeli military, LIED to American Homeland Security [ important information for every Muslim ] and the details of the SCAM he and his Israeli friends were running to LIE to the Americans [ and in another scam, to cheat my landlords ]. Then, I can tell them, the details of THEIR security measures. Do you know what Israeli security would do to me, if I lied to them, in their country? Then, I will review with them how my brother helped their industry------NEVER AGAIN, does my brother help Israeli industry, because my brother knows, with absolute certainty that if he ever tries helping another Israeli I will hunt him down, like a dog, I will wrestle him to the ground on the tarmac, if I have to.
---To be fair to me, all my blog(s) will have to be entered into evidence, to prevent dishonest lawyers and doctors from taking my words and phrases out-of-context and misconstruing them to hurt me even more than they already have.
---And, ALL the Asaf Rosenheim material goes back up on my blog(s) so other innocent victims can use it.
----Robert E. Margulies, is chair of the Board of Trustees at Jersey City Medical Center, his partner is Jack J. Wind, of Margulies and Wind, Wind is president of Lawrence Sindoni's group, Northeast New Jersey Legal Services, state funded, tax-payer money, that goes to pay for legal services for the poor, and Jack Wind told me, before I hooked up with Sindoni, that if Columbia University had done to me what Yeshiva University did, he would take my case, but, because he is Jewish and Yeshiva is a religious school, he could not, because as a Jew, he could not attack another Jew.
----Falcone LIED when he said that the interest on security deposits are paid when a tenant moves out----they are supposed to be paid to tenants EVERY year, and my landlords knew because ( 1 ) Asaf Rosenheim put Ralph Pagnozzi on notice during his 2-27-2004 Small Claims action, and because ( 2 ) I informed Ralph, see my March to July 2008 letters, [ evidence of fresh acts of retaliation ] and I gave him Truth in Renting ( 3 ) and I informed the welfare office in Jersey City and gave them a copy of Truth in Renting so that that office could inform their clients, because I am pretty sure those poor people don't know [ more fresh acts of retaliation for being a community activist ].
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