Sunday, August 2, 2009


I already explained to the Senate Republicans, no student in the state of New York can do an Article 78, judicial review, because, all policies at all nine medical schools are fatally flawed [ Mel Goldberg, at the New York State Attorney General's office threatened me, after I reported back ], {insert web-link here}.
Not one policy states that a student will be provided with a "certified, verbatim transcript" of the hearing [ at which, evidence will be taken in accordance with the SPIRIT of the law ].
When Yeshiva's lawyers argue for an Article 78 review, they are trying to use a dirty lawyer trick---Article 78 has the shortest statute of limitations, only 4 months.
In order to do an Article 78 judicial review, a judge needs two things, in one hand he/she needs a written, published, faculty-approved hearing procedure which fully comports with the SPIRIT of the law, and in the other hand, he/she needs a certified, verbatim transcript of the hearing.
Then, the judge is supposed to sit down and compare the two. He/she is supposed to say....yes, I see that the hearing procedure calls for this.....and, looking at the certified, verbatim transcript...I see that this happened [ or did not happen ].
Because no medical school in the state of New York gives students a certified, verbatim transcript, we can't do an Article 78 judicial review, even if we wanted to do so-----what would the judge look at ? AIR ?
My mother went down to talk to Judge Patterson. She showed him......Judge Patterson.....this is the written, published, faculty-approved hearing procedure that Yeshiva University provides to its law school daughter submitted this in your court......can you show me its counter-part for the medical students? Can you show me the written, published, faculty-approved hearing procedure that you say my daughter got? 'cause I'd like to see it. Judge Patterson could not. He was so embarrassed, he got up and left the room.

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