Sunday, August 2, 2009


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I am really supposed to believe that John Scarfone, Associate General Counsel, and Yeshiva University are so grossly incompetent that they do not know what classes I took, or when, or whether I passed or failed them.
Just a few weeks ago, I received a letter from Cheryl Fisher, supervising attorney, at the state agency that is charged by law to monitor schools so that they do not commit fraud to steal money through a federal student aid/loan programs, that confirmed I only failed three courses my first year: Biochemistry [ a major course ], and 2 minor classes, Embryology, and Genetics.
I was illegally expelled because I refused to sign a CONTRACT [ mis-spelled as "contact" on my hand-written notes, published here ] releasing these liars from liability.

The Senate Republicans have this CONTRACT in their hands.

John Scarfone makes my argument for me. No SANE person would sign a contract releasing these psychopaths from liability, all they do is lie.

The most cost-effective solution, all I have to do is turn a few documents into hand-bills [ for a mere $99 I can get 5,000 printed up---and spend a few days glad-handing my way through the Manhattan lunch crowd down by the criminal court, and it will be overtly obvious that the Manhattan District Attorney's office is used as a means of aggression, a weapon of war, against a Christian who had the nerve to ask----Who is against? I think it is fabulous---we pay taxes to support private, religious education----see Diane Persky case---HOW MUCH MONEY DO THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS GET ?

Note: The Big Picture. They pay attorneys to commit crimes.

Item # 2: Lawrence Sindoni is NO ONE'S friend.

Lawrence Sindoni is the attorney in Jersey City, New Jersey that they give to poor people.

He made a fool out of himself.

In July 2008, he deliberately made false statements of material fact on the AUDIO-tape, during my landlord-tenant case, by saying: "her diagnosis was never explained to her".

When I confronted him, he lied to me.

In August 2008, I got confirmation, published on my blogsite(s) from Mr. Daw, that there was no diagnosis. Essentially, Mr. Daw said....well, I represented her for years, and no one ever said anything about this to me.

So, in August 2008, Dan Riesel/the federal government has to drop-kick me into a hospital to generate a diagnosis, only this time, he/they almost killed me.

Instead, I demonstrated, that the diagnosis coming out of Jersey City Medical Center is FRAUD.

So, in May 2009, Dan Riesel et al, filed false criminal charges against me in Manhattan, as a ploy. They said they would drop the charges, if I checked into a hospital, as an inpatient, you know, so that they can lie about me some more.

Lawrence Sindoni, his boss, Mr. Fitzgerald, and Jack Wind have an obligation to go into court, re-open my case, place the evidence that Mr. Sindoni deliberately left off-the-record, on-the-recrd, in order to get a proper ruling: in short, I win.

They will not. Because the federal government can't handle it.

Item # 3:

Overall, the Second Circuit is a black box. Good information goes in; garbage comes out.

Item # 4:

As I told the Senate Republicians, who tried to help, OK, lets forget about everything else, let Judge Sonia Sotomayor uphold the law, NOW.

Instead, as recently as last week, I got a bogus legal argument from the Democrats.....a la Dan had your day in court, "res judicata" [ " it has already been decided " ] DOES NOT APPLY.

Decisions based on LIES, do not stand.

This is simple common sense. Time is meaningless; statute of limitations does not apply.

It is well-established New York law: FRAUD VITIATES ALL PROCEEDINGS.

I asked Senator Schumer's staff, to place my Relpy on-the-record, essentially, the forgoing few sentences, during the debate in the open Senate, next week, and have not heard back, yet.

Note: I had the great, good fortune to shake Senator Grassley's hand, and walk and talk a bit with him, he seems like a very nice man, who, unfortunately, I think, is manipulated by his staff [ which gives me another data-point in my upcoming book ]. I promised to give him/his staff a one-page summary, to try and correct this whole tax-exemption issue against the Christians; trumpted-up, as cover, to make a big dust-cloud, to distract from Yeshiva University; no one's questioning Yeshiva University's tax-exemption----why?

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