Monday, August 24, 2009


They are dragging their feet.

All Debra Simon [ 201-795-6426 ] has to do is make a few phone calls.

Judge Rodriguez:

Show me the threatening letters and post-marked envelopes Lidya Radin was accused of mailing to you----you can't because they don't exist.

Show me the blank CD of video-taped evidence that you let the landlords and all the attorneys submit during discovery in a criminal proceeding, to get criminals off-the-hook and that makes you guilty of obstruction of justice.

Michael S. Stewart, dishonest psychiatrist.

Show me the threatening emails that you accused Lidya Radin of sending to Judge Rodriguez----you can't because they do not exist.

Doctors & Staff at Jersey City Medical Center

There was no eviction on 10/1/2008----you made-up a big story about how you'all were helping me through an eviction, when in fact, you physically assaulted me while I was trying to recover from spinal injures and almost killed me.

You'all did this behind my back, demonstrating criminal intent, because in my possession was a waiver from a week before that showed the landlords and their attorneys LIED; you cooperated with them in perpetuating this lie and in falsely imprisoning me.

Robert Ruiz

You do not honestly and sincerely believe that, that is Ms. Radin's hairy masculine hand in the photograph posted on her blogsite(s).

Dr. Jelnov

The landlord already admitted that he slashed Ms. Radin's door with a knife, you demonstrated criminal intent, when you tried to label her as delusional for holding this belief.

Kevin Purvin

I fired Kevin Purvin. He claimed to be incompetent.

My mental status exam from 7/29/2008 from my doctors in New York was deliberately kept off-the-record at Jersey City Medical Center, so JCMC could create false medical records.

That exam discredited Yeshiva University: there were no mood or thought disorders.

Of course, the doctors in New York did a mental status exam after I was forced to delay medical care for almost a month after a car crash on 6/24/2008. I asked Mr. Fitzgerald if I could have 2 weeks off from the landlord-tenant trial to get medical care, and he said no.

The screening document from 4 PM on 9/30/2008 was also kept off-the-record at Jersey City Medical Center, deliberately, to create a false medical record.

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