Tuesday, August 25, 2009


-I talked to Mr. Cox, today, " formerly " [ spelling error corrected on 8/26/09 ] of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

-He was kind enough to confirm that I did not say anything remotely along the lines of ......any kind of terrorist threat.....like I was going to get a bomb to blow up a school if I did not get a job at the Pentagon.....that's silly....like I told Det. Lee, and James Michael Lenihan [ US Army ]...... who needs a bomb, the truth is my strongest weapon, I can do more damage by telling the truth---relax, everyone, I am a very nice person.

-He is willing to testify to this, if necessary, and I related this information to prosecutor, Debra Simon.

-Also, I reviewed with her that the next day, 9/24/2008, I talked to an investigator at the Pentagon, he confirmed that my statements were mis-contrued, I did not make terrorist threats, and told me to throw everything up on the Internet, 'cause Anthrax screening of hard-copies would take too long.

-I did.

-I don't think that I am permitted to publish his phone number, but, you can call and ask the Pentagon.

[ THANK YOU ARMY---Lt. Col. Wardle told me to go higher, so I did. ]

-Why is this important?

-Because Jersey City Medical Center made-up a reason to falsely imprison me by falsely accusing me of being a danger to others....along the lines of ......she is so angry, she is going to get a bomb to blow up a school.....I have been hearing this vicious rumor since 1998, I suspect some wacko psychiatrist at my medical is responsible for sanctioning and endorsing this nonsense, in order to violate my privacy and use law enforcement improperly in personal vendettas.

Note to Mikey Weinstein: they got their backs up a little when I started talking about OUTING the CIA at Einstein....and BG Finnegan....but, overall, I am very grateful to Mr. Cox for telling the truth on this litigation point.

Mr. Weinstein, Rober Caslen tried to help me. We're all trying to tell the truth. That helps your friends. Couldn't you defend him a little, too? Isn't he your brother-in-arms. Aren't you guys supposed to take care of each other? What he did was a very minor transgression after over 30 years of service compared to the issues I am bringing to the fore...shouldn't he have been corrected privately, not OUTED in the news media ? Couldn't you at least say that the appearance of impropriety is nothing compared to attempted murder?

Couldn't you at least say that you expected a little more from BG Finnegan.....the Army feels no obligation to a civilian, get real.....who made that up?

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