Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Judge Fast does not want to come to court to:

( 1 ) authenticate the waiver he issued on 9/25/2008, which shows that there was NO EVICTION on 10/1/2008.

Jersey City Medical Center LIED; they said that they were helping me through an eviction on that date. There was no eviction. They almost murdered me.

Debra Simon, prosecutor: Judge Fast is trying to protect criminals.

There were points along the way that Judge Fast could have put a stop to these criminals, instead he cooperated with them and ultimately, almost cost me my life.

( 2 ) testify to the fact that he let my security deposit check from 2003 into evidence [ not too old ] but, kept my creditable testimony from 2004 0ff-the-record with the bogus excuse that it was too old.

This evidence showed that I was creditable and that Asaf Rosenheim and my landlords were not.

He was protecting Asaf Rosenheim, a Jew not welcome in Israel because he is gay who tried to steal money from my landlords.

This audio-tape showed that the accusations of me forging leases is irrelevant, my landlady, Mrs. Pagnozzi testified in February 2004 that she accepted me as a tenant [ all those lies fall apart, they were trying to create this big story about how they never accepted me as a tenant ].

This audio-tape showed that because I was testifying voluntarily for the landlords I had no motive to harass them, in fact, they look like fools, because I am the one that they asked to help them, I did, and Mr. Pagnozzi did not protect me or his wife, we went to court without him on 02-27-2004, and stood against ex-Israeli military, who in one of the last encounters I had with him, went nuts and ripped a medicine cabinet out of a wall, I had to call the police.

AND, BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR DR. JELNOV TO MAKE GOOD ON HIS THREAT THAT HE WOULD DIAGNOSIS ME AS DELUSIONAL FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS if I did not shut-up AT THE SAME TIME THAT my landlords called me as a creditable witness to protect themselves from a Jew who lied to try to steal money from them and who admitted that he was trying to run a scam to deceive HOMELAND SECURITY-----the Jewish community does not want this kind of negative publicity.

( 3 ) Judge Fast does not want to admit that Angel Quinones, as a non-party witness, is not creditable.

Angel Quinones LIED. He testified that he came to court 5 times. He did not. He came to court twice in my case.

( 4 ) Judge Fast does not want to admit that Kenneth Kim, another non-party witness, is not creditable, either.

Plus, there is more. Judge Fast worked to hurt me.

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