Wednesday, August 26, 2009


No medical school in New York can provide a CERTIFIED, VERBATIM transcript of a hearing given to a student before expulsion; Yeshiva University already admitted to this in the Abramova case.

Without a certified, verbatim transcript an Article 78 judicial review [ 4 month statute of limitations ] CANNOT BE DONE.

All expulsions in New York State are illegal.

No medical school in New York can provide ( 1 ) a written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure that fully comports with the SPIRIT OF THE LAW, and ( 2 ) a certified, verbatim transcript of a hearing.

Judge Patterson knows this. I explained to him personally. He is deliberately refusing to uphold the law. I will publish my communications to Judge Sonia Sotomayor, too.

Article 78 is a dirty lawyer trick. They argue for it because it is the shortest statute of limitations [ 4 months ].

This is the magnitude of the problem. NO STUDENT IS SAFE.

President Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University, could put a stop to this with ONE phone call to his medical school, asking them to LEAD BY EXAMPLE, by creating a STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE for the world to follow, but he is too busy insulting President Ahmadinejad, you know, the president who tried to HELP ALL STUDENTS IN NEW YORK, as a former teacher himself.

AHMADINEJAD demonstrated that he cared about students. So far, Bollinger has demonstrated that he does not. At any time, EVEN NOW, President Bollinger could do the RIGHT THING, but, he will not. He is too busy protecting his ego and racist Zionism.

Prove me wrong, President Bollinger----do the RIGHT thing.

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