Wednesday, August 19, 2009

See letters/certifications posted on:

[ note: I corrected the spelling on 8/25/2009 of credentials---if you clicked on this link before then, you would not be able to get to this blogsite, because of the mis-spellings, thank you for your patience and understanding ]

See alson, Radin-more-evidence, on this blogsite,

Please note the time-line:

July 2008-Sindoni LIES, tries to place false information on the audio-tape of my landlord-tenant triaL: " Her diagnosis was never explained to her".

August 2008-Daw and Lankler came forward, discredit Sindoni, make it obvious that Yeshiva University IS connected to my landlord-tenant case, and trying to discredit me: THERE WAS NO DIAGNOSIS; HER MEDICAL SCHOOL HAS BEEN LYING ABOUT HER FOR YEARS.

[ Dr. Jelnov's criminal intent is obvious, there IS a link between my federal case and my landlord-tenant case, Dr. Jelnov is using a Soviet technique to deny reality, falsely label a person, attempts to drive a normal person insane----
Dr. Jelnov is profoundly disturbed----so is Robert Ruiz--[ he does not sincerely believe that that is my hand in the photograph, Ruiz lied, he was told what to say ]

I discussed this with Army, before my false imprisonment on 9/30/2008---they used a number of techniques that I can describe in depth and detail ]

Septemberr 2008-Yeshiva panics---driving force for false imprisonment.

The driving force for the September 2008 false imprisonment was the fact that in August 2008 James Daw, and Andrew Lankler came forward and told the truth: THERE WAS NO DIAGNOSIS, her medical school has been lying about her for years.

Lawrence Sindoni looked like a fool, when he told the lies Yeshiva put in his mouth in July 2008, in order to place false evidence on the audio-tape of my landlord-tenant case: " Her diagnosis was never explained to her". This came out of a conversation I had with a Chairman.

The driving force for the false criminal charges in Manhattan is the fact that the false imprisonment in Jersey City BLEW-UP in their faces, and caught dishonest judges, and doctors, you know, while the FBI was in-town anyway.

The first ploy in Manhattan was: we'll drop the charges if you check in to a psychiatric ward as an in-patient, you know, so we can falsify even more medical records to get a psychopath like JOHN SCARFONE off-the-hook, you know, the ASS who doesn't even know how many classes I took or when or whether I passed them or not----if you take his lies at face value----the best you got is GROSS INCOMPETENCE----what you really have is a PACK OF LIARS----PSYCHOPATHS, profoundly disturbed individuals ----paid for with your tax-dollars care of the CIA---boys, who don't have the guts to defend a colleague who was OUTED, because it did not occur to them that they are next on the BLACKLIST.

[ I know all about the blacklist ]

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